We Flipped Our WIG
"We Flipped Our Wig" is a thought-provoking session about embracing change in hospice care by redefining the "Wildly Important Goal" (WIG). This presentation delves into how a significant shift in focus and objectives can profoundly impact the effectiveness and quality of hospice care. Participants will learn about the journey of transformation, the challenges faced, and the successes achieved through this strategic shift. The session will highlight the importance of adaptive goals in responding to the evolving needs of patients and the hospice industry. Attendees will gain insights into setting meaningful, impactful objectives and how these can drive positive change in their organizations. This session is perfect for hospice leaders and professionals seeking to learn from real-world examples of successful goal reorientation and its impact on care delivery.
Patricia McDaniel
Associate Vice President Marketing and Client Services at Hospice of Michigan