Getting the Most out of
your Brain!

Dr. Mark Lewandowski talks about the significance of getting both sides of your brain active and how it enhances your creativity.


Creative From The Start

Dr. Mark Lewandowski talks about how activating your preconscious thought and setting up the mood to be creative from the start.


Difficult People the Sandpaper of Culture

Dr. Mark Lewandowski talks about how some people do not like change, but are important to the team and thus how to get them to accept change.


The Power to Leverage

Dr. Mark Lewandowski talks about how to effectively delegate to leverage employees productivity and set
clear expectations.


Every Act of Creation…

Dr. Mark Lewandowski discusses how Every Act of Creation Is First an Act of Destruction. Creating something new usually requires us to let go of something old. As Pablo Picasso said, “Every act of creation is first an act of destruction.”


Week 2 : Empty Your Cup

Dr. Mark Lewandowski talks about how you need to empty your cup to make room to take in something new.


Week 3 : Trust is Questioning

Dr. Mark Lewandowski discusses how to Trust in the ability to use your own ideas and eliminate doubt in your business.


Week 4 : Switching Shoes: The Power of Empathy

Dr. Mark Lewandowski discusses the power of Empathy and using it to effectively Switch Shoes within your business.


Week 5 : Thinking in Opposites

Dr. Mark Lewandowski discusses the basic of Thinking in Opposites.


Week 6 : The Genius of What If

Dr. Mark Lewandowski discusses the 2 most powerful words in business.


Week 7 : The Third Right Answer

Dr. Mark Lewandowski discusses how the best answer may always not be the first or the second solve.


Week 8 : Premortem

Dr. Mark Lewandowski talks about the creative practice of writing a premortem.


Video: Your Philosophy is Failosophy

Dr. Mark Lewandowski discusses the philosophy that mistakes are a part of business structure and how to handle them.

Video:Referral Strategies
that Work -

Coming Soon.

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